Microsoft Teams
Struggling to connect virtually with your team? Need to reach a large audience with a handful of presenters in a professional manner? We can help. Orbis has been implementing Microsoft Teams to help small and larges teams overcome communication barriers associated with work from home.
Right now with your employees working from home now than ever a remote team solution is paramount to a successful business. Microsoft Teams allows your team to stay connected whether on or offsite.

Benefits of Teams Collaboration
- On-site or remote team collaboration
- Video-conferencing, audio or video only calls
- Calendar/scheduling
- Cloud sharing & storage of files
- Private or group chat channels
- Edit files simultaneously
- Record meetings
- Live Events
- Work from home but stay connected
Work From Home Safely #WFH
Orbis Solutions can help your company get your employees online, connected and collaborating. Our team of experts can help you transition employees on to the system and make sure all of your technology is up to par for video confrencing and file sharing.
We can also couple Teams with our installation of Tempered Network's AirWall solution which will make your employees and network invisible on the internet. The benefit of this invisibility is security; security for your people, data and company.
The bread of Microsoft Teams is vast and we can help you setup your company for the most success with this product. The additional benefit is that when you transition back to the office you will have a modern connected platform in place to work from.
This solution is available on both desktop, laptop and mobile device for those on the go.

We can help you get your team connected and collaborating.